Mohammad Tareq Jamiulahmadi
Mohammad Tareq Jamiulahmadi

Mohammad Tareq Jamiulahmadi, a native Afghan with a deep dedication to academia and community enrichment, is navigating the complexities of Business Administration through an online Californian university. While honing his own skills, he imparts English language skills at Erteqa Englisity Academy and spearheads Y-LIN (Youth Leadership International Network), a digital platform that connects Afghans globally.

Project Idea: He envisions a project that ignites the leadership potential and management acumen of young minds in Khwaja Village, nestled near the bustling heart of Herat. This program aims to equip forty students from Yadgar High School with essential English language skills and digital literacy to prepare them for the challenges of university education. This ambitious project takes root in Khwaja, his birthplace, where he believes seeds of change can blossom into a brighter future.

He aims to address key Sustainable Development Goals; SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities